About Chats
Conversations invites thoughtful discussion around global and local issues and events in a new short-form entitled, Chats. The journal envisions the Chats to function as a platform for timely exchanges and discussion prompts, such as written or video recorded roundtables, a curated response to a particular question or issue, and the like.

Chats Vol. 1: Social Choreography in the Digital: where bodies might
Al Evangelista and Thomas DeFrantz

Chats Vol. 2: An Invitation to Write: Asian American Ballroom Dance Studies
Yutian Wong, Arlene Yu, and Crystal Song

Chats Vol. 3: PoP Moves Australasia
Serenity Wise, Dr Elena Benthaus, Dr. Jeanette Mollenhauer, Jacqueline Graham & Kate-Elissah Tallamy